By Dallas Huelster, Reporter
HENRYETTA, Oklahoma– Thirteen-year-old Muscogee (Creek) citizen Breanna Proctor is a hero after saving her teachers life.
“She is my hero and she is also a straight A student,” said Ryal school teacher, Linda Breno. Proctor noticed that her teacher was choking on food in the cafeteria and jumped to action.
“She acted quickly and knew what to do,” said Breno.
Proctor learned the Heimlich maneuver from her sister who is a nurse.
Breno is grateful that Proctor stepped in when she did. Breno knew if anyone could help her in that moment it would have been Breanna.
“If no one was there I knew that it would have been it for me” said Breno.
Proctor may be a hero but none of the attention has gone to her head.
“I was glad that I was able to help but I feel embarrassed from it all,” said Proctor.
Proctors favorite subject is English and she plans to go to Sequoyah High School in Tahlequah after she finishes her eighth-grade year at Ryal.
Proctor also likes to play basketball and wants to try out other extra curricula’s when she attends Sequoyah next year.
“She is a calm and quiet student who is always there to do the right thing,” said Breno.
“I don’t do it for the attention I do it because it’s the right thing to do,” said Breanna.
Breno is doing everything that she can to help Proctor succeed. Linda plans to write a recommendation letter to Sequoyah High School and help guide Breanna throughout the school year to see that she receives recognition for her heroic deeds.
Breno also wants to help Breanna with future plans as well such as helping her find grants or even scholarships when she is ready to attend college.