Morgan Taylor/Reporter
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – The Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Quarterly Session was held Oct. 30 via teleconference.
The National Council addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
NCR 21-010 Confirming Denise Henry to serve on the Lighthorse Police Commission. Representative Adam Jones III sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 14-1 with Rep. Thomasene Yahola Osborn voting no.
Henry will serve a term beginning upon confirmation until Sept 25, 2024.
TR 21-133 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute the Victims of Crime Act Certified Assurances associated with the District Attorneys Council 2021 Victims of Crime Act grant funds for the MCN Family Violence Prevention Program. Rep. Joyce Deere sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The grant funds will be used to aid victims in applying for victim compensation. The MCN must execute the VOCA Certified Assurances 2021 to accept the funds in the amount of $102,723.00
TR 21-134 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute the Victims of Crime Act Certified Assurances Associated with the District Attorneys Council 2021 Victims of Crime Act grant funds for the MCN Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program. Rep. Anna Marshall sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The grant funds will be used to aid victims in applying for victim compensation. The MCN must execute the VOCA Certified Assurances 2021 to accept the funds in the amount of $65, 237.00
TR 21-135 Authorizing the Principal Chief to submit an Indian Community Development Block Grant – American Rescue Plan Act application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to Prepare, Prevent and Respond to COVID-19 for the benefit of MCN citizens. Rep. Thomasene Yahola Osborn sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The Nation has been informed of funding to prepare, prevent and respond to COVID-19. The Nation is in need of providing relief to overcrowding, homelessness, and COVID-19 related assistance. Application will be prepared and executed for funds in the amount of $3,450,000.00.
TR 21-138 Amending the Procurement Policy for the Expenditure of Indian Housing Block Grant Funds. Rep. Yahola Osborn sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The need to amend the Procurement Policy for the Expenditure of Indian Housing Block Grant Funds under General Provisions, Approval of Contracts in order for contracts not to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold allowed by the OMB Memorandum without further approval by the NC by duly enacted Tribal Resolution and amending the Procurement Policy under Micro-Purchase Procedures, Indian preference section to include the extend available in order to comply with HUD Program guidance 2019-03.
TR 21-139 Execute a separate Memorandum of Understanding with four Oklahoma Counties for the maintenance of roadways and associated rights-of- way constructed or improved by the MCN. Rep. Joseph Hicks sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The Nation and Hughes, Muskogee, Okmulgee, and Rogers Counties have memorialized their understanding that should the Nation construct Tribal Transportation Program Routes in an aforementioned County, each County agrees to maintain such routes and rights-of-ways and the Nation will enter into a separate Memorandum of Understanding with each County.
TR 21-140 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Indian Gaming Commission regarding criminal history record information. Rep. Patrick Freeman Jr. sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
Memorandum of Understanding memorializes the National Indian Gaming Commission’s and the Public Gaming Commission’s understandings and responsibilities of the noncriminal justice fingerprints and the transmittal, receipt, storage, use and dissemination of Criminal Justice Information and Criminal History Record Information.
TR 21-141 Allowing the Principal Chief to execute grant awards and cooperative agreements with General Terms and Conditions for Fiscal Year 2022. Rep. Robert Hufft sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The U.S. government requires that all federally funded awards adhere to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements upon receipt and acceptance of the award.
TR 21-143 Authorizing the Gaming Operations Authority Board (GOAB) to execute the Okemah Generator and Switch Gear Upgrade Project Proposal with Building Electrical Systems, Inc. Rep. Freeman sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The GOAB determined that it is necessary to commence a generator and witch gear upgrade project with Building Electrical systems, Inc. (BESCO). The BESCO proposal total cost is $364,795.00. The proposal requires National Council approval since the total cost is over the $300,000 threshold hold for GOAB approval.
TR 21-144 Approving and authorizing the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, INC. 2002 Master Agreement with BOKF, NA “BOK”. Rep. Freeman sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The NC determine it is necessary for the Nation to enter into one or more interest rate hedge transactions with BOKF “BOK’ due to fluctuation in interest rates. The Nation has designated Andy Langston or Pat Crofts with the authority to enter into any transactions between the MCN and BOFK, NA constituting an interest swap. The Agreement contains State of New York governing law and venue in the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of NY and the U.S. District Court located in Manhattan.
TR 21-145 Authorizing the GOAB to execute the River Spirit Casino Re-Roofing Service Agreement (phase 1) with Chamberlin Dallas, LLC. Freeman sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The GOAB determined it is necessary to enter into the River Spirit Casino Re-Roofing Service Agreement (phase 1) with Chamberlin Dallas, LLC. For labor, materials, equipment and insurance to perform PVS roofing work in the amount of $2,912,011. The proposal requires National Council approval since the total cost is over the $300,000 threshold hold for GOAB approval.
TR 21-146 Authorizing the GOAB to execute contracts for the Universal Power Supply Project. Freeman sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The GOAB determined it is necessary to commence a Floor Universal Power Supply Project that will ultimately solve current power outage issues involving gaming machines, save on costs, and ensure power and continuity of operation in the event of an unexpected power outage. Project budget is $2,500,000. The proposal requires National Council approval since the total cost is over the $300,000 threshold hold for GOAB approval.
TR 21-148 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a Gift Agreement with the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Deere sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The MCN has contracted with artist Dan Brook for a sculpture reflecting the heritage of the MCN. The MCN wishes for the sculpture to be placed at the University of Georgia’s Laboratory of Archaeology where the sculpture is intended to provide cover to a Native American Petroglyph boulder. The MCN is the lawful owner of the Sculpture and has paid all sums due to the artist.
NCA 21-107 Authorizing the Expenditure of grant funds awarded from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for Medication-assisted Treatment-prescription drug and opioid addiction. Deere sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 15-0.
The grant funds in the amount of $1,050,000 will be used to expand and enhance access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) services for persons with an opioid use disorder (OUD) seeking or receiving MAT.
NCA 21-110 Approving the Indian Housing Plan for the Indian Housing Block Grant – American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Yahola Osborn sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 15-0.
The purpose of this Act is to approve the 2021 Indian Housing Plan – American Rescue Plan for submittal to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
NCA 21-111 Authorizing an appropriation for the 2022 Mvskoke Art Market. Rep. Mark Randolph sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 15-0.
The Mvskoke Art Market will allow tribal artisans the opportunity to share and display their talents and skills with the general public while promoting our culture. The total cost for expenses associated with hosting the event is $52,582.
NCA 21-112 Creating a new subchapter seven entitled “MCN Floodplain Advisory Board” in MCNCA title 28, Chapter 11. Rep. Charles McHenry sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 15-0.
The new law covers the General Function, Membership, Mode of Operation, Compensation, and Administrative Services. The new law shall be codified in Title 28 Chapter 11 of MCN Code of Laws. Effective immediately upon proper approval and execution in accordance with the requirements of the MCN constitution.
NCA 21-122 Amending NCA 21-116 (Amending MCNCA Title 19 Section 1-102 entitled “General Elections” and appropriating funds to expedite the return of Absentee Ballots). Rep. Darrell Proctor sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 15-0.
The Election Board is requesting $215,000 for expedited return of the absentee ballots and other election costs.
Added, Section 1 102 4, all unexpected funds appropriated by implementation of this Act shall be returned to the Tribal Treasury and shall be available for future appropriation by NC.
To view full agendas and legislation, visit: