PRESTON, Oklahoma – Preston Public Schools is holding a fundraising event “Kicks for Kids” on May 12 to provide the Preston elementary students with gym shoes.
The event will include a one-mile walk or “fun run” starting at 8:15 a.m. and a 5k run following at 8:45 a.m.
The fun run is targeted for the Pre-K and kindergarten aged students along with those who want to participate without competing.
The 5k will be for anyone in first grade or older but will award divisions by grades 1-8, high school and adult for the first three places.
According to third grade physical education teacher and Muscogee (Creek) citizen Bobbie Fox, the event is open to anyone who would like to participate, not just Preston students.
It is $25 per person to participate or one may donate the entry fee for a student to participate and other donations are being accepted.
While Fox and her colleague Kellie Wynn were training for a 5k run, they thought about how they could incorporate this event within the school.
“We were trying to figure out a good fundraiser for our school to have a 5k,” Fox said. “Then we realized our kids were in desperate need of gym shoes.”
As a physical education teacher, Fox wants to promote a healthy lifestyle through fitness and she claims that kids need adequate shoes to do so.
“This race is a way that we can do both,” she said.
The funds from the event will be gathered and saved until the kids come back to school for the fall.
Fox said that during school enrollment they would take the shoe sizes of each elementary student in hopes of supplying everyone if the funds allow otherwise, shoes would be distributed on a needs basis.
Fox and the Muscogee (Creek) Nation are gathering the numbers to supply shoes for the Native students.
Businesses around Okmulgee including Ausbrooks, Stewart Martin Kubota, Mike Bailey Motors, and Okmulgee Nutrition have donated towards the event.
To request a registration or donation form, please contact or