OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Quarterly Session was held in person April 30 at the Mound Building.
The National Council addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
NCR 22-008 Selecting Chester Pittman to the Board of Directors of Fountainhead Creek Golf Course, LLC. Representative Randall Hicks sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
Pittman is a Muscogee (Creek) Nation citizen and was selected by the National Council. His term will run through April 30, 2025.
NCR 22-057 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a certain agreement between the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Health and Philips North American, LLC. Rep. Mary Crawford sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The agreement will allow MCNDH to purchase a BiPAP machine and a ventilator.
TR 22-058 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a certain agreement between the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Health and Fujifilm Sonosite, Inc. Rep. Crawford sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The agreement will allow MCNDH to purchase ultrasound equipment.
TR 22-059 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a data exchange request form (DXFR) request for information from the Social Security Administration. Rep. Anna Marshall sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The form will complete benefit verifications and obtain status on claims filed.
TR 22-060 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a general warranty deed conveying property from the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Housing to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Rep. Charles McHenry sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
Property will be conveyed to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation to be put into a trust.
TR 22-061 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a general warranty deed conveying property from the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Housing to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Rep. Nelson Harjo Sr. sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
Property will be conveyed to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation to be put into a trust.
TR 22-062 Approving the Dome and Safe Space Building parking lot asphalt overlay project. Rep. McHenry sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The project’s estimated cost is in the amount of $350,000. Funding will be provided with the Nation’s Tribal Transportation Program federal funding.
TR 22-064 Authorizing the principal chief to execute a memorandum of agreement with Hughes County, Oklahoma for improvements to two country roads. Rep. Harjo sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The project’s estimated cost is in the amount of $310,000. Funding will be provided with the Nation’s Tribal Transportation Program federal funding.
TR 22-065 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a memorandum of agreement with Okmulgee County, Oklahoma for improvements to two county roads. Rep. Harjo sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The project’s estimated cost is in the amount of $760,000. Funding will be provided with the Nation’s Tribal Transportation Program federal funding.
TR 22-066 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a memorandum of agreement with the city of Holdenville for improvements to three city streets. Rep. Harjo sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The project’s estimated cost is in the amount of $84,000. Funding for the project will be provided with interest funds from the Nation’s Tribal Transportation Program.
TR 22-071 Confirming the nomination of Luann Hudson to serve on the Mvskoke Loan Fund Board. Rep. Randolph supported the bill, which passed 15-0.
Principal Chief nominated Hudson to serve a term of 3 years that will end April 30, 2025.
TR 22-072 Approving the United States Department of Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Assistance Agreement terms and conditions for the benefit of the Mvskoke Loan Fund. Rep. Randolph sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The Grant awarded to the Mvskoke Loan Fund will provide general lending capital in the amount of $500,000 and additional lending capital and technical assistance in the amount of $196,000.
TR 22-074 Authorizing the Principal Chief to submit a U.S Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 2022 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation program to support law enforcement agencies grant application. Rep. Randolph sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The Grant requires 1:1 matching funds over a three-year period. The Muscogee (Creek) Nation will match the Grant in the amount of $81,455.
TR 22-076 Authorizing the construction of a new community center for the Glenpool Creek Indian Community. Rep. Robert Hufft sponsored the bill, Leonard Gouge cosponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The building will be located at 181st and Union, just off of Hwy 75.
NCA 22-035 Authorizing the expenditure of the Department of Health and Human Services Administration for children and families Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program funds for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Social Services program. Rep. Crawford sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The funds will be used to provide cooling and crisis funds for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program in the amount of $263,226.
NCA 22-036 Authorizing the expenditure of funds awarded from Tulsa County Health Department to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Health for the infusion clinic at Council Oak Comprehensive hospital. Rep. Crawford sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The receipt of funds is in the amount of $500,000.
NCA 22-037 Creating a new subchapter 7, entitled “Muscogee (Creek) National Council Scholarship” in MCNCA Title 18 Chapter 4 entitled “Higher Education and Vocational Scholarships and Grants.” Rep. Thomasene Yahola Osborne sponsored the bill, which passed 11-4.
The Program will provide financial assistance to MCN students who have demonstrated leadership skills while obtaining their post-Graduate degree. Financial Assistance will be awarded in the amount of two $1,000 scholarships, one for the spring and fall semesters.
NCA 22-038 Authorizing a supplemental appropriation to the Nation’s Facilities Department for fiscal year 2022. Rep. McHenry sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The supplemental funds come in the amount of $282,538. They will be used for the increased cost of utilities, two additional maintenance staff, fringe and indirect costs.
NCA 22-042 Amending MCNCA Title 36, Chapter 3, entitled “Motor Vehicle Tax and License Code”. Rep. Sandra Golden sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The amendment codifies car tags, vehicle conditions, license plates, and vehicle classification. It also amends code to include vehicle registration tax charges with defined fees for specific citizen tag classifications.
NCA 22-043 Authorizing the expenditure of the American Rescue Plan Act fiscal recovery funding for the benefit of the Fountainhead Creek Golf Course. Rep. Golden sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
Final guidance regarding ARPA funding has encouraged recipients to aid impacted tourism and hospitality industries, including deferred maintenance due to revenue loss. FCGC closed during the earliest part of the pandemic for nearly two months. Maintenance for the pump station was deferred during this time.
The National Council authorized the Principal Chief or his designee to expend $125,801 to assist with the cost of maintenance for the pump station.
NCA 22-044 Authorizing the expenditure of the U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Assistance Agreement Grant for the benefit of the Mvskoke Loan Fund. Rep. Randolph sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
MLF was awarded the U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Assistance Agreement Grant in the amount of $696,000.
NCA 22-045 Authorizing an appropriation to the office of Environmental Services to complete the plan forward for the Fountainhead Creek Golf Course. Rep. Golden sponsored the bill, Rep. Cloud co-sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The appropriation will be authorized in the amount of $118,581.
NCA 22-046 Amending MCNCA Title 36, Chapter 3, entitled “Motor Vehicle Tax and License Code”. Rep. Yahola Osborne sponsored the bill, which passed 10-5.
The amendment includes all Muscogee (Creek) citizens who reside within the geographical boundaries of the State of Oklahoma.
NCA 22-047 Authorizing an appropriation for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation to host the “Mvskoke Opunvkv Kerretv Vtelokv (Mvskoke Language Symposium). Rep Marshall sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The Symposium is a two-day program dedicated to providing access to the Mvskoke Language community. The appropriation will allow the Symposium to purchase a video game demo and an electronic pdf Mvskoke Bible and Hymnal in the amount of $100,000.
NCA 22-049 Authorizing the expenditure of the U.S Department of Justice FY 2022 targeted support for the Muscogee (Creek), Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw and Seminole Nations in Oklahoma special invitation to apply grant award for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Lighthorse Police Department. Rep. Patrick Freeman Jr. sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The grant awarded MCN LHPD in the amount of $502,000 will go toward an increased capacity to respond to sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, sex trafficking calls and crimes against Native American women. It also permits the LHPD to hire two investigators.
NCA 22-051 Authorizing an appropriation for the construction of the Glenpool Creek Indian Community Center. Rep. Hufft sponsored the bill, Rep. Gouge co-sponsored the bill, which passed 15-0.
The total construction cost for the Glenpool Creek Indian Community Center is in the amount of $2,295,360.00.
NCA 22-052 Authorizing a lawsuit to be filed in Federal Court in the name of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation seeking relief on behalf of the Nation and Muscogee Citizens against unlawful state taxation within the boundaries of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Reservation and appropriating funds for this action. Rep. Randolph sponsored the bill, Rep. Hicks and Rep. Yahola Osborne co-sponsored the bill, which passed 9-6.
The lawsuit would designate $500,000 from the Interest on Permanent Fund Account to file against the Oklahoma Tax Commission on the behalf of Muscogee (Creek) citizens. The suit asserts that the State of Oklahoma lacks jurisdiction to assess, levy and collect state taxes upon the income of tribal members who reside and earn income from sources within the Indian Country to which the tribal member belongs.
This comes after the U.S Supreme Court McGirt ruling that MCN reservation lands through various treaties were never disestablished and are still classified as Indian Country lands for the Nation under federal law.
A tribal resolution will be submitted to the National Council for approval when the Attorney General’s Office seeks to retain legal services to assist with the filing of the federal lawsuit.
The meeting, agenda, and full legislation can be viewed at www.mcnnc.com.
I think not only the process had questions, but also ordinary people who live in the state, where exactly they spend such huge amounts, it would be especially interesting for me as a resident to find out, but when I contacted local offices, I did not learn anything specific from them