OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – The Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council meeting was held on March 26 at the Mound Building.
The Council addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
NCR 22-006 MCN National Council declaring support and solidarity with the people and Nation of Ukraine. Representative Anna Marshall sponsored this resolution, which was adopted 13-0. The vote did not include Rep. Joseph Hicks.
MCN National Council encourages all citizens to recognize the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the free country of Ukraine from the oppression of authoritarian Vladimir Putin’s Soviet Union.
TR 22-043 Authorizing the execution of a grant award letter with the National Congress of American Indians Fund awarding grant funds in the amount of $5,000 to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Scholarship Foundation. Rep. Leonard Gouge sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 13-0. The vote did not include Rep. Joseph Hicks.
The MCN Scholarship Foundation was awarded $5,000 in COVID Response Fund.
TR 22-044 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute two separate agreements for gas installation by Oklahoma Natural Gas Company for the MCN GSA Warehouse and the Safe Space Facility located in Okmulgee OK. Rep. Galen Cloud sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 14-0.
There is a current need for natural gas utility line to provide services to GSA and the Safe Space Facility.
TR 22-045 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a memorandum of agreement between the MCN and the Schulter School District for the Schulter School Parking Lot Project. Rep. Nelson Harjo Sr. sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 14-0.
The agreement is regarding the construction of an asphalt parking lot with drainage improvements on the Schulter school complex.
TR 22-046 MCN confirming the nomination of Geraldine (Geri) Wisner to serve as the attorney general of the MCN. Rep. Thomasene Yahola Osborn sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 7-6-1. Rep. Galen Cloud, Mary Crawford, Joyce Deere, Joseph Hicks, Anna Marshall and Patrick Freeman voted against the resolution. Rep. Sandra Golden abstained.
Principal Chief nominated Geraldine (Geri) Wisner to serve as the attorney general of the MCN. Term will begin upon confirmation and end with the current term of the chief.
TR 22-047 MCN confirming the nomination of Jeffrey Fife to serve as the Chief of Staff of the MCN. Rep. Darrell Proctor sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 12-1-1. Rep. Thomasene Yahola Osborn voted against the resolution. Rep. Sandra Golden abstained.
Principal Chief nominated Jeffrey Fife to serve as the Chief of Staff of the MCN. Term will begin upon confirmation and end with the current term of the chief.
TR 22-048 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute an agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, acting by and through the Southern Plains Office of Native American Programs. Rep. Nelson Harjo Sr. sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 14-0.
The Nation has been in delinquency of submitting the required audit due to COVID-19 impacts that are preventing the initiation of audit fieldwork and preparation and submission of the draft audit to the auditee and the final audit FAC.
SPONAP acknowledges that the Nation has taken action to comply with the audit submission requirements, but the pandemic has prevented MCN from complying with the audit submission requirement.
TR 22-049 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a letter of agreement with Kotter International Inc. for the benefit of College of the Muscogee Nation. Rep. Anna Marshall sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 14-0.
Kotter International Inc. is a professional development training series for CMN Administrators, Faculty and Staff. Carter will provide an 8-week virtual training for CMN.
TR 22-050 MCN authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a contract with Karpel Solutions for the benefit of the Office of the Attorney General. Rep. Mark Randolph sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 14-0.
The Office of the Attorney General has been authorized to expend grant funds from the U.S Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, for the BJA FY 21 SMART Prosecution-Innovative Prosecution Solutions Grant for the purpose of updating its criminal case management system and converting its case records to a digitized system.
TR 22-051 Approving the United States Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service Cooperative Agreement for the tax counseling for the Elderly Program funds for the benefit of the MCN. Rep. Anna Marshall sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 14-0.
MCN was awarded the U.S. Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service Tax Counseling for the Elderly Program Funds in the amount of $2,300.
NCA 22-019 Amending MCNCA Title 37, subsection 2-123, entitled “Este Cate Veterans (Mvskoke Nation) Honor Guard.” Rep. Gouge sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 14-0.
An annual appropriation of $20,000 to $40,000 towards Mvskoke Nation Honor Guard includes meals following local activities and to include per diem while traveling in and out of state.
NCA 22-020 Authorizing the expenditure of grant funds in the amount of $5,000 received from the National Congress of American Indians for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Scholarship Foundation. Rep. Gouge sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 14-0.
The MCN Scholarship Foundation received grant funds from the National Congress of American Indians in the amount of $5,000. The funds will help to provide supplemental scholarships to students who have been impacted by COVID-19.
NCA 22-021 Authorizing an appropriation of funds for the installation of Natural Gas utility service for the MCN GSA Warehouse and Safe Space Facility. Rep. Galen Cloud sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 14-0.
The Nation is to pay $200,655 for the installation of the natural gas utility line.
NCA 22-022 Authorizing the expenditure of grant funds awarded in the amount of $2,707,132 from the Department of Health and Human Services Administration for children and families for the benefit of the Family Violence Prevention Program. Rep. Marshall sponsored the resolution, was adopted 14-0.
The grant funds in the amount of $2,707,132 awarded will be used increase services for sexual assault survivors during the COVID-19 public health crisis, capacity and work support for advocates and SANE nurses, while also increasing access to multi-disciplinary training for professionals interacting with survivors.
NCA 22-023 Authorizing the expenditure of grant funds awarded in the amount of $9,741,589 from the Department of Health and Human Services Administration for children and families for the benefit of the Family Violence Prevention Program. Rep. Marshall sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 14-0.
The grant funds of $9,741,589 will be used to conducts programs and activities in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency to ensure that domestic violence survivors and their dependents have access to mobile health units.
NCA 22-024 A law of Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending MCNCA Title 11 subsection 3-201, entitled “CMD Fund” and subscription 6-303, entitled “Audits.” Rep. Marshall sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 14-0.
The amendment would add the following to section B of MCNCA Title 11 subsection 3-201: “Exception, in the event that Muscogee (Creek) Nation hosts an event outside of the reservation, CMD Funds may be used for overnight stays in accordance with the Nation’s Travel Policy.”
NCA 22-025 Authorizing the expenditure of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fiscal Recovery Funding for the benefit of the MCN Department of Health. Rep. Joseph Hicks sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 14-0.
MCN Department of Health is in receipt of APRA funds in the amount of $20,960,580 to be utilized to assist with issues regarding the COVID-19 pandemic to support the long-term health and well being of the Nation’s citizens and establish a stable infrastructure for the Nation.
NCA 22-026 Authorizing the expenditure of the American Rescue Plan Act Fiscal Recovery funding for the benefit of the Department of Health. Rep. Joseph Hicks sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 14-0.
The MCN has received federal funds in the amount of $424,351,068 from the ARPA to assist with the myriad of issues regarding the pandemic. The purpose of this Act is to authorize the expenditure ARPA SLFRF funds to expand and update the MCN DOH Medical Center Emergency Room.
NCA 22-027 Authorizing the expenditure of the American Rescue Plan Act Fiscal Recovery funding for the benefit of the MCN Reintegration Program. Rep. Joseph Hicks sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 14-0.
The MCN has received federal funds in the amount of $424,351,068 from the ARPA to assist with the myriad of issues regarding the pandemic. The Reintegration program plans to provide a space for counseling services; fitness and recreation, broadband accessibility and isolation space will receive $1,278,105 for the project.
NCA 22-028 Authorizing the expenditure of grant funds awarded from the Internal Revenue Services for the benefit of the Office of the Secretary of the Nation and Commerce. Rep. Anna Marshall sponsored the legislation, which was adopted 14-0.
Secretary of the Nation and Commerce was awarded $2,300 in grant funds.
The funds of $2,300 will be used to help provide free tax help to citizens who are age 60 and over.
Full meetings can be watched at: www.mcnnc.com.