Byline: Braden Harper/Reporter
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Business, Finance and Justice Committee meeting was held in person and via teleconference on Sept. 15 at the Mound Building. All legislation will go before the full Council during the regular session.
BFJ addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 22-140 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a license and services agreement with Tyler Technologies for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Lighthorse Police Department. Representative Mark Randolph sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved for do pass.
The license and services agreement will supply necessary computer software and hardware services for the MCN Lighthorse Police Department. The Nation will waive sovereign immunity for the Terms and Conditions with Tyler Technologies and Socrata Software, as well as the adoption of the Third Party End User License Agreement with Red Hat.
NCA 22-100 A Law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending MCNCA Title 37 § 2-203 to alter the distribution of funds. Representative Randolph sponsored the bill, which was approved for do pass 3-1.
Funding distribution in the 2023 Fiscal Year will be deposited into the Gaming fund until The National Council revisits the distribution percentages of Tribal Gaming Funds to determine the best and most effective distribution percentages for the future operation of the Nation.
NCA 22-101 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation transferring remaining Fiscal Year 2022 Funds from the Gaming Operations Authority Board (GOAB) to Muscogee Nation Business Holdings, LLC (MNBH). Representative Randall Hicks sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved for do pass 4-0.
The funds appropriated to the GOAB by NCA 21-66 were intended for gaming purposes. Since the repeal of GOAB and the formation of MNGE and MNBH, the remaining GOAB funds that have not been spent since March 2022 should be transferred to MNBH to carry out the Nation’s purpose of gaming and economic development.
The following referred legislation funding was approved for do pass.
NCA 22-096 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing an appropriation to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Veterans Affairs Services Office to participate in the National Native American Veterans Memorial Dedication Ceremony located in Washington D.C. Representative Leonard Gouge sponsored the bill.
If approved by the full council, the appropriation will be distributed in the amount of $35,568.00.
NCA 22-103 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing a donation to Muskogee Oklahoma Native American Association (MONAA). Representative Mary Crawford sponsored the bill.
If approved by the full council, the donation will be distributed in the amount of $2,000.
NCA 22-104 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation appropriating funds for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Veterans Affairs Office to purchase motorcycles for a military funeral and detail unit. Representative Thomasene Yahola Osborn sponsored the bill.
If approved by the full council, the MCN Veteran Affairs Office will receive appropriated funds in the amount of $83,691.00.
Other businesses included Muscogee Nation Gaming Enterprises Gaming Operations Authority Board, the Mvskoke Loan Fund, and the Lighthorse Commission.
For video of committee meetings, visit