Lani Hansen/Senior Reporter
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma — A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Business, Finance and Justice Committee meeting was held March 17 at the Mound building in Okmulgee.
All passed legislation will go before the full Council during the regular session March 26.
BFJ addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
NCR 22-003 Selecting Jackie Jackson to the Board of Directors of Muscogee Nation Gaming Enterprises, LLC. Representative Patrick Freeman Jr. sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-0.
The National Council has selected Muscogee (Creek) citizen Jackie Jackson to serve on the Board of Directors for a term that shall end March 31, 2023.
NCR 22-004 Selecting Cynthia M. Tiger to the Board of Directors of Muscogee Nation Gaming Enterprises, LLC. Rep. Anna Marshall sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-0.
The National Council has selected Muscogee (Creek) citizen Cynthia M. Tiger to serve on the Board of Directors for a term that shall end March 31, 2024.
TR 22-046 Confirming the nomination of Geraldine (Geri) Wisner to serve as the Attorney General of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Rep. Thomasene Yahola Osborn sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-1 with Rep. Patrick Freeman Jr. voting no.
The Principal Chief has nominated Muscogee (Creek) citizen Geraldine “Geri” Wisner to serve as the MCN Attorney General.
TR 22-047 Confirming the nomination of Jeffrey Fife to serve as the Chief of Staff of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Rep. Darrell Proctor sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-1 with Rep. Sandra Golden voting no.
The Principal Chief as nominated MCN citizen Jeffrey Fife to serve as the Chief of Staff of the MCN.
TR 22-050 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a contract with Karpel Solutions for the benefit of the Office of the Attorney General. Rep. Mark Randolph sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-1 with Golden voting no.
The Office of Attorney General has identified Karpel Solutions as the best software system for updating its criminal case management system and converting its case records to a digitized system.
NCA 22-015 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending MCNCA Title 37 substitute 3-505, entitled “Employee at will doctrine not impliedly abolished.” Rep. Leonard Gouge sponsored the legislation, which failed 2-3. Patrick Freeman Jr. and Randall Hicks, along with Thomasene Yahola Osborn who broke the tie voted against the legislation.
The legislation would have abolished the doctrine of at will employment for the Nation’s tribal government. Subject to limitations as outlined in this Chapter and subchapter (such as violations of the law and drug or alcohol related matters), disciplinary matters involving employees of the Nation shall be subject to a progressive disciplinary model.
NCA 22-019 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending MCNCA Title 37, subsection 2-123, entitled “Este Cate Veterans (Mvskoke Nation) Honor Guard.” Rep. Gouge sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
An annual appropriation of $20,000.00 to $40,000.00 towards Mvskoke Nation Honor Guard includes meals following local activities and to include per diem while traveling in and out of state.
NCA 22-021 Authorizing an appropriation of funds for the installation of Natural Gas utility service for the MCN GSA Warehouse and Safe Space Facility. Rep. Galen Cloud sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
The Nation is to pay $200,655 for the installation of the natural gas utility line.
NCR 22-006 Preparing support and solidarity with the people and Nation of Ukraine. Rep. Marshall sponsored the legislation, which passed 3-1 with Golden voting no.
MCN as a sovereign Nation stands in solidarity with Ukraine. No other tribal nation has reached out to the people of Ukraine and MCN would be the first tribal nation.
Rep. Marshall stated, “On February 24, CNN news viewers saw women and children leaving Ukraine going to other states to seek refuge. As they were walking it reminded me of our women and children of the Trail of Tears, it’s not the exact same journey but similar.”
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