MVSKOKE RESERVATION- On Feb. 13, the Land, Natural Resources, and Cultural Preservation Committee held an in person meeting. Passed legislation will go on to a full council meeting, unless otherwise noted.
The committee addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
Muscogee (Creek) Nation Emergency Assistance Grants
The Morning Star Evangelistic Center was approved for a grant in the amount of $16,600. The grant will go towards replacing an over 20 year-old heat pump unit and ductwork.
Hutche Chuppa Indian Baptist was approved for a grant in the amount of $10,000. The grant will go towards updating a camp house.
The FishPond Ceremonial Grounds was approved for a grant in the amount of $450.00. The grant will go towards water services at camp houses.
The Broken Arrow Indian United Methodist Church was approved for a grant in the amount of $2,739.36. The grant will go towards a furnace replacement.
Muscogee (Creek) Traditional Church and Ceremonial Ground Grant
The Belvin Baptist Church was approved for a grant in the amount of $45,500. The grant will go towards a roof replacement.
NCR 24-001 A resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Council declaring the month of March as “Women’s History Month” passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Representative Anna Marshall.
As stated in the legislation, “Muscogee (Creek) women have played and continue to play critical roles in tribal leadership, economic development, cultural matters, and social and legal justice roles in each sphere of the life of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation…Muscogee (Creek) women of every background and class have served as early leaders in the forefront of every major progressive social change movements; whereas and Muscogee (Creek) women have served our country courageously in the military; and whereas Muscogee (Creek) women have been leaders, not only in securing equal opportunity within the Nation, but also in the independence, sovereignty, health care, housing, education, territorial integrity, self-governance and democratically-elected institution and representation which continues to establish a foundation for a more fair and just society for all Muscogee (Creek) Nation citizens.”
During discussion, Rep. Marshall made a statement about the legislation. According to Rep. Marshall, the core of this bill is to acknowledge and remember the Mvskoke women for their contributions to the tribe.
“I think that you have the legislation before you, and for me this can be the foundation for us to build upon,” Rep. Marshall said. “But it also offers an opportunity for this council to lead the way that we honor, remember, and recognize the accomplishments, the courage, and the countless contributions of our Creek women. And it also takes courage for our women to advocate for practical goals like equity, diversity, and inclusion, which is the theme for the 2024 Women’s History Month. My hope throughout 2024 is that we find ways to advocate, to recognize and to honor our women from the past to the present who have taken the lead to show the importance of change, to establish firmer safeguards, practices, and legislations reflecting those values of equity, diversity and inclusion. And again, let us most of all celebrate our Creek women across generations who have made history. They may be the first person in their family to graduate from college or the first child to have completed kindergarten but it tells us we have made history, no matter how small it is or how large it is. We may be the first attorney general or first chief of this nation, but still we need to remember all the women who have made history, whether they are the first or not. And to continue to move this conversation forward by breaking the stigmas down, by sparking the dialog, and by ensuring the next generation of women and girls that they are powerful and that they have a voice that counts.”
There were no questions for discussion.
TR 24-011 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the principal chief to execute a utility right-of-way agreement with Oklahoma Natural Gas associated with the construction of a project in Mcintosh County passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Representative Darrell Proctor and co-sponsored by Representative Galen Cloud.
MCN owns property held in a USA trust located in Mcintosh County that needs Oklahoma Natural Gas (ONG) service installation. This resolution gives the principal chief the authority to grant right-of-way access of the property to ONG for a 20-year term. The subcommittee went into executive session with council members, legal council, the reality department, and second chief.
TR 24-012 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the principal chief to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the city of Coweta for the Maintenance of roadways and associated rights-of-way constructed or improved by the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Tribal Transportation Program passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Representative Mark Randolph and co-sponsored by Representative Charles McHenry.
The MCN Tribal Transportation Program has funds for improvement of roads and rights-of-way in the City of Coweta. The three routes are near recent tribal property purchases in Coweta. A MOU will be necessary between the MCN and the city in agreement of maintenance.
TR 24-013 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation approving the update of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation long-range transportation plan with the addition of the routes listed as attachment “A” – MCN NTTFI 2024 passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep. Cloud.
This legislation approves newly identified routes, the three in TR 24-012, to be included in the long-range transportation plan.
TR 24-014 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation supporting the addition of new routes, as identified in attachment “A” – MCN NTTFI 2024, to the existing National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory (NTTFI) and requesting the Bureau of Indian Affairs add these new routes to the Nation’s NTTFI passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep. Cloud.
This legislation is tied to the routes in TR 24-012 and TR 24-013.
TR 24-015 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation confirming the nomination of Little Snow Fields to serve as the Secretary of Housing of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep Cloud.
During discussion, L.S. Fields was introduced to the committee. Representative Sandra Golden asked about updating MCN housing policy and procedures. Mr. Fields replied that he will address these issues. He will be interviewed during the pre-agenda meeting on Feb 24.
NCA 24-016 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing an appropriation in the amount of $81,533 to the Cultural Center and Archives Department for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation to participate in the 2024 Mvskoke Etvlwv Festival at the National Museum of the American Indian passed with a vote of 4-0. It will proceed to the BF&J subcommittee for funding approval. It was sponsored by Rep. McHenry.
According to the bill, the 2024 Mvskoke Etvlwv Festival is scheduled to take place on Nov. 1 and will conclude Nov. 2. This will be a part of the NMAI Native festival which gives opportunities for Native Nations to sponsor public programs to showcase their vibrant contemporary cultures.
To view the full agenda, visit