OKMULKE, Okla. – The Muscogee (Creek) Nation (MCN) National Council held a Health, Education and Welfare committee meeting May 7.
The Council addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
The Oktaha Area County Fire Department was approved for a $5,000 appropriation.
TR 24-055 A tribal resolution of the MCN authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) with the Indian Health Services (IHS) for the benefit of the MCN Department of Health (MCNDH). Representative Thomasene Yahola Osborn sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If adopted by full council, this agreement will add a diabetic imaging acquisition station to MCNDH. According to the bill, the IHS Teleophthalmology Program will offer telemedicine services.
TR 24-056 A tribal resolution of the MCN authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a telemedicine provider credentialing and privileging agreement with the Indian Health Service for the benefit of the MCN Department of Health. Rep. Osborn sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If adopted by full council, the Telemedicine Provider Credentialing and Privileging Agreement will help with clinical services for patients that are located at MCNDH facilities.
NCA 24-066 A law of the MCN authorizing a supplemental appropriation for the MCN Citizenship office for fiscal year 2024. Representative Leonard Gouge sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If adopted by full council, an amount of $78,900 will go towards the Enhanced Tribal Card Hosting program and will elevate existing systems at the MCN Citizenship Office.
NCA 24-067 A law of the MCN Amending Title 7 entitled “Citizenship/Census TVSEKVYV/AHONKVTKEPE”. Representative Anna Marshall sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
This bill includes updated and refined language including “Declaration of Citizenship”, which refers to the citizenship board’s approval of an applicant to be a Muscogee (Creek) Nation Citizen. The legislation has also been revised to revoke citizenship if a citizen is found to hold dual enrollment with another tribe for a second offense.
For more information visit, www.mcnnc.com.