Lani Hansen/Senior Reporter
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma — A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Business, Finance and Justice Committee meeting was held Aug. 23 at the Mound Building in Okmulgee.
All passed legislation will go before the full Council during the regular session Aug. 31.
BFJ addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
NCR 21-007 Confirming Eric Freeman to serve on the Lighthorse Police Commission. Representative Lucian Tiger III sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-0.
MCN Code Annotated Title 50 requires one member of the Lighthorse Police Commission to be selected by NC. The person must be a full MCN citizen unless waived by two-third votes, possess an Associate’s Degree plus 10-20 years of experience in law enforcement, pass a drug test and criminal background check.
NC has selected Muscogee (Creek) citizen Eric Freeman, to serve on the Lighthorse Police Commission.
NCA 21-094 Authorizing a budget modification in excess of ten percent (10%) for the Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs FY 18 Body-worn camera policy and implementation program grant funds for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Lighthorse Police Department. Rep. Robert Hufft sponsored the legislation, which passed 3-0.
The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Lighthorse Police Department is requesting a budget modification of its total federal grant budget.
MCN Lighthorse Police Department wishes to make this modification in order to reallocate certain funds to enter into an agreement for the purchase, installation and maintenance of 55 body-worn cameras.
NCA 21-095 Amending MCNCA Title 6, substitute 6-232 Entitled “Modification of a Child Support Order.” Rep. Anna Marshall sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-0.
Child support orders may be modified upon a material change of circumstances which includes, but is not limited to an increase or decrease in the needs of the child, increase or decrease in the income of the parents, changes in actual annualized child care expenses, changes in cost of medical or dental insurance or when one of the children in the child support order reaches the age of majority or otherwise ceases to be entitled to support pursuant to the order.
A 15% increase or decrease in the income of either party will be considered for a modification.
After Nov. 1, 2021 there shall be a rebuttable presumption that an obligor who is incarcerated for a period of one hundred eighty or more consecutive days is unable to pay child support.
TR 21-123 Authorizing the Gaming Operations Authority Board (“GOAB”) to create an MCNC Insurance Reserve Fund out of gaming profits. Rep. Patrick Freeman sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-0.
Before the pandemic River Spirit Casino suffered from the historic 2019 flood of the Arkansas River and was shut down for approximately a month. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the MCN Casinos shut down for several months in 2020.
GOAB has determined that while profits are at historic high levels for the entire year despite the past flood and pandemic; and, for purposes of being proactive and to help mitigate a future natural disaster, an Insurance Reserve Fund account should be created.
TR 21-124 Authorizing the Gaming Operations Authority Board (“GOAB”) to execute the Master Equipment Lease agreement with Video Gaming Technologies, INC. (VGT), and the minimum obligation agreement and First Amendment to Master Gaming Device Purchase and Lease Agreement with Aristocrat Technologies, INC. Rep. Freeman sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-0.
The ATI Minimum Lease Agreement, VGT Lease Agreement and ATI Master Gaming Device Purchase and Lease Agreement were approved by TR 16-011. The First Amendment and Second Amendment to the ATI and VGT were approved subsequently.
GOAB desires to enter the First Amendment to the ATI Master Gaming Device Purchase and Lease Agreement; the terms of these agreements are each five years.
TR 21-125 Authorizing the Gaming Operations Authority Board (“GOAB”) to deposit current gaming funds in its Gaming Capital Expenditure account for the Eufaula Casino Project. Rep. Freeman sponsored the resolution, which passed 3-0.
The Nation currently owns and the GOAB manages the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Casino – Eufaula, which is in the vicinity of six other competing casinos within a one-hour drive. In March 2021 feasibility study showed the market analysis for a new casino and hotel in Eufaula would provide both superior visibility and access in comparison to the existing casino and will boost current profits.
The Eufaula casino project is estimated to be 48 to 49 million dollars of which the GOAB will ask the NC to approve a withdrawal of 40 million, at a future date, when the legal documents are negotiated and in final form from the revolving line of credit.
During other business, Rep. Adam Jones III was elected as Vice-Chairman of the BFJ Committee.
For audio of committee meetings and full legislation, visit: