OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council, Regular Session meeting was held in person and via teleconference on Nov. 19 at the Mound Building.
The National Council addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 22-163 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a contract with RMM Plus for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Health. The bill was sponsored by Representative Robert Hufft and was unanimously approved 15-0.
The contract will provide information security software and an annual payment of $4,080.00 to MCNDH.
TR 22-164 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a programming agreement among Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, National Park Service, Georgia State Historic Preservation Office, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and the Muscogee (Creek) Nation regarding the undertakings implemented under the comprehensive trails management plan HP-210330-002. The bill was sponsored by Representative Galen Cloud and was unanimously approved 15-0.
The CRNRA plans to implement a trail management plan to address trail construction and maintenance for developing and managing a parkwide trail system. The programming agreement will be executed in accordance with stipulations related to the effect of the undertaking on historic properties.
TR 22-165 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a real estate contract for a property in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. Representative Joseph Hicks sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
The property and facilities will be used to benefit MCN Realty Trust Services for additional office and storage space.
TR 22-166 Approving a construction contract for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Housing. Rep. Cloud sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
The day-to-day operations will cost $250,000 and will be used to complete the interior build-out of the Sunrise Trail Apartment building #1.
TR 22-167 Authorizing the Principal Chief to submit a grant application to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Economic Development, and Division of Economic Development for the Tribal Tourism Grant Program for the benefit of the Marketing and Tourism Department. Representative Randall Hicks sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
The grant will fund a feasibility study to increase MCN’s capacity to plan, develop and manage tourism and related infrastructure. It will also create a tourism business plan.
TR 22-168 Authorizing the Principal Chief to submit a grant application to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Economic Development, Division of Economic Development for the National Tribal Broadband Grant for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Tribal Utility Authority. Representative Nelson Harjo Sr. sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
The grant will fund a feasibility study on installing or expanding high-speed internet (broadband) and identify broadband deficits in each county within the MCN reservation.
TR 22-169 Authorizing Traden Anderson to use the Great Seal of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Representative Darrell Proctor sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
TR 22-170 Amending TR 19-076 (A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation to suspend all special appropriations and donations) as amended by TR 20-150, TR 21-080, TR 22-128, TR 22-143, TR 22-150 and TR 22-155. Representative Joyce C. Deere sponsored the bill, which was approved 10-5.
NCA 22-127 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of the National White Collar Crime Center Grant Award for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Lighthorse Police Department. Representative Sandra Golden sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
The grant will award Lighthorse Police $39,060.00 in funds for fourteen Panasonic Toughbooks.
NCA 22-139 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of grant funds awarded from the Oklahoma District Attorney’s Council (DAC) Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant. Representative Hufft sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
The grant will award the MCN Health Department $66,808.00 for crime victim services.
NCA 22-140 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of grant funds awarded from the Oklahoma Health Care Authority Money Follows the Person Tribal Initiative. Grant. Rep. Hufft sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
The grant will award the MCN Health Department $3,253,871 for adults with functional or cognitive impairments.
NCA 22-141 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of tribal opioid response funds awarded from the Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Rep. Deere sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
The grant will award $1,648,750 for addressing the overdose crisis in Tribal communities by increasing access to FDA-approved medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder and supporting the continuum of prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery support services.
NCA 22-142 A Muscogee (Creek) Nation law amending MCNCA Title 15 Chapter 1 entitled Official Honor Guard to Establish a Women’s Honor Guard and appropriating funds for the Este Cate Hoktvke Suletawv Honor Guard. Representative Anna Marshall sponsored the bill. It was co-sponsored by Speaker William Lowe and Rep. Joseph Hicks. It was approved unanimously 15-0.
The women’s honor guard will represent the Muscogee (Creek) Nation at parades, military funerals, and other various gatherings. The cost for the establishment will be $105,000.00 for the first year, then $40,000.00 annually after that.
NCA 22-143 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending MCNCA Title 37 § 2-123 entitled “Este Cate Veterans (Mvskoke Nation) Honor Guard.” Rep. Marshall sponsored the bill, which was approved unanimously 15-0.
The bill will amend an annual appropriation from $40,000.00 to $80,000.00 beginning in the 2024 fiscal year.
NCA 22-144 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of grant funds awarded from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the benefit of the Office of Environmental Services Department. Rep. Harjo Sr. sponsored the bill, which was unanimously approved 15-0.
The grant will award $467,000.00 for environmental programs for air, water, land, and data quality; pollution prevention.
NCA 22-145 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation appropriating funds to be used toward the purchase of property located in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. Rep. Joseph Hicks sponsored the bill, which was unanimously adopted 15-0.
The property will cost $425,000.00, and additional costs will include title insurance, title opinions, surveys, environmental studies, and applicable taxes.
NCA 22-148 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing a donation to Bacone College. Rep. Deere sponsored the bill, which failed to pass 9-6. This particular bill required a ⅔ majority vote of the full council.
The meeting, agenda, and full legislation can be viewed at www.mcnnc.com.