OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – A joint Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Business, Finance, and Justice/Land, Natural Resource and Cultural Preservation Committee meeting was held in person and via teleconference on Dec. 13 at the Mound Building.
All legislation will go before the full council during the regular session.
BFJ/LNC addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 22-181 A MCN Tribal resolution amending TR 22-020 (an MCN Tribal resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a real estate contract and related documents for the purchase of property in McIntosh County, Okla.). Representative Randall Hicks sponsored the bill, which passed substitute 9-0.
The enactment of TR 22-020 authorized the execution of a real estate contract and related documents to purchase property in McIntosh County. There is a need to amend TR 22-020 to change the property’s intended use.
TR 22-181 will amend TR 22-020 to read The GOAB has been presented with an opportunity to purchase real estate property to continue to use the property for residential use.
For video of committee meetings, visit www.mcnnc.com.