Byline: Morgan Taylor/Multimedia Producer
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Health, Education and Welfare Committee meeting was held on September 14 at the Mound Building.
All passed legislation is subject to full council approval during the regular session.
HEW addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 22-135 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute an amended agreement with the Indian Health Service and supporting the assumption of remaining tribal shares from the Indian Health Services Wewoka Unit. Representative Leonard Gouge sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
MCNDH has determined the assumption that the remaining tribal shares from the Wewoka IHS facility will provide improved services to MCN citizens.
TR 22-136 Confirming the nomination of Bruce Douglas to serve on the College of the Muscogee Nation Board of regents. Rep. Anna Marshall sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
Douglas will go before the National Council during the Regular Session.
NCA 22-095 Authorizing the expenditure of the U.S. Department of the Interior Living Languages Grant Program Funds for the benefit of the Mvskoke Language Department. Rep. Gouge sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
Grant funds ($67,789) will be used to expand access to the Mvskoke language by making resources available to every MCN citizen by creating a website, hiring a virtual language instructor, and archiving all language.
NCA 22-096 Authorizing an appropriation to the MCN Veterans Affairs Services Office to participate in the National Native American Veterans Memorial Dedication Ceremony in Washington, D.C. Rep. Gouge sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
VASO is asking for $35,568 and wishes to take ten veterans to the ceremony and participate in the Festivities.
NCA 22-097 Amending MCNCA Title 22, Chapter 9, entitled “Emergency Management Authority.” Rep. Anna Marshall sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
Emergency Management manager Bobby Howard claimed that the amendment is needed to update for specific insurance purposes since the last update was in 2007.
NCA 22-098 Authorizing the expenditure of grant funds awarded from the Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families American Rescue Plan Act Child Care Supplemental Discretionary Funds for the benefit of the MCN Office of Child care. Rep. Gouge sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
The grant will be used to continue services that include day-to-day expenditures and direct assistance and applied to construction at the Okemah location.
NCA 22-104 Appropriating funds for the MCN VASO to purchase motorcycles for a military funeral and detail unit. Rep. Thomasene Yahola Osborn sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0 and was forwarded to BFJ.
If approved, the law would provide for purchasing three police motorcycles, which will assist VASO in properly escorting military funerals. The estimated total cost is $83,691.
Meetings can be watched at