MVSKOKE RESERVATION- On March 26, the Land, Natural Resources, and Cultural Preservation Committee held an in-person meeting. Passed legislation will go on to a full council meeting, unless otherwise noted.
The committee addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 24-036 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a real estate contract for the purchase of property in Okmulgee, Oklahoma passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Representative Nelson Harjo Sr.
The property address is at 5395 North Wood Drive, Okmulgee. The tribe intends to use the property as additional office space.
TR 24-039 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the construction of a new Muscogee (Creek) Nation Welcome Center for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Museum Cultural Center passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Representative Galen Cloud.
The resolution authorizes the construction of a new facility west of Highway 75 on tribal property near the industrial park. The MCN Welcome Center will provide educational, business, and culturally-centered activities for tribal citizens.
During discussion, MCN Cultural Center and Archives Program Manager ShaVon Agee stated that there is a lack of space for artisans and classrooms and a need for collection space. She stated, “There is a huge need for collection space… it has been stored in Jenks for 11 years and it really needs to be down in Okmulgee, with our people, a big part of this is collection space.”
TR 24-040 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a lease agreement with the city of Tulsa on behalf of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation for installing and maintaining improvements to the property for the benefit of the nation passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Representative Robert Huff and co-sponsored by Representative Patrick Freeman Jr.
This legislation pertains to TR 24-042 and is for a 25 year lease agreement on property near the Southern Villa Development Site between 81st and 91st in Tulsa, between Riverside Dr and Lewis Ave in Tulsa. The property is east of the 86th street entrance for the property and will be the main focal and entry point to the development. The MCN will be responsible for care and maintenance of the property. There is no monetary value associated with the lease.
NCA 24-025 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fiscal relief funding in the amount of $270,000 for the purchase of real property located in Okmulgee county, Oklahoma passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep. Harjo Sr.
This legislation pertains to the property in TR 24-036. Space will allow for office space and a child care expansion.
NCA 24-028 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fiscal relief funding received from the United States Department of the Treasury in the amount of $4,757,979.13 for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Museum Cultural Center to establish the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Welcome Center passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep. Cloud.
This legislation pertains to the authorization in TR 24-039. When completed, the building will be a 10,000 sq foot space facility.
To view the full agenda, visit