Morgan Taylor/Reporter
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Land, Natural Resources and Cultural Preservation Committee meeting was held Oct. 12 via teleconference.
All passed legislation is subject to the full council approval during the regular session.
LNC addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 21-135 Authorizing the Principal Chief to submit an Indian Community Development Block Grant – American Rescue Plan Act Application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to prepare, prevent and respond to COVID-19 for the benefit of MCN citizens. Representative Thomasene Yahola Osborn sponsored the resolution, which passed 4-0.
The Department of Housing is seeking to reapply for this grant after the grant funds depleted before the application had been accepted. A grant proposal in the amount of $3,450,000 will help provide relief to overcrowding in housing, homelessness, and COVID-19 related direct assistance.
TR 21-138 Amending the Procurement Policy for the expenditure of Indian Housing Block Grant Funds. Rep. Yahola Osborn sponsored the resolution, which passed 4-0.
An updated policy must be adopted for the expenditure of Indian Housing Block Grant Funds. The need to amend the Procurement Policy seeks National Council approval.
TR 21-139 Authorizing Principal Chief to execute a separate Memorandum of Understanding with four Oklahoma counties for the maintenance of roadways and associated rights-of-way constructed or improved by the MCN Tribal Transportation Program. Rep. Joseph Hicks sponsored the resolution, which passed 4-0.
This is part of the annual inventory update. The program has an inventory of proposed public roadways and associated rights-of-way located in Hughes, Muskogee, Okmulgee and Rogers Counties.
NCA 21-110 Approving the Indian Housing Plan for the Indian Housing Block Grant – American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Yahola Osborn sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
The purpose of the Act is to approve the 2021 Indian Housing Plan – American Rescue Plan (IHP-ARP) funds in the amount of $11,054,813 for submittal to the Department t of Housing and Development.
NCA 21-111 Authorizing an appropriation for the 2022 Mvskoke Art Market. Rep. Mark Randolph sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0 and will be forwarded to the Business, Finance and Justice Committee for funding source.
The MCN Cultural Center and Archives plans to host the 2022 Mvskoke Art Market on April 23-24 at the River Spirit Casino. Total cost for expenses associated with hosting this event is $52,582.
NCA 21-112 Creating a new subchapter seven entitled “MCN Floodplain Advisory Board” in MCN Code Annotated Title 28, Chapter 11. Rep. Charles McHenry sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0.
New law develops the membership, general function, mode of operation, compensation, and administrative services of the Floodplain Advisory Board.
Full agendas and meetings can be viewed at: