OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Regular Session meeting was held in person and via teleconference on May 21 at the Mound Building.
The National Council addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 22-063 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a memorandum of agreement with McIntosh County, Oklahoma, for improvements to three county roads. The bill was sponsored by Representative Galen Cloud, which passed unanimously 15-0.
The Maintenance Overlay Project includes placing an asphalt overlay on three roads in a combined total of four miles. The project costs $335,000, and funding will come from the MCN’s Tribal Transportation Program Federal Funding. Once completed, McIntosh County will be responsible for maintenance, upkeep, and repair.
TR 22-078 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a contract with Nihon Kohden on Behalf of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Health, Council Oak Comprehensive Health. Representative Anna Marshall sponsored the bill, which passed unanimously 15-0.
The contract will provide specific intensive care unit monitoring equipment for the MCN Department of Health.
TR 22-079 Confirming the nomination of Elizabeth Yahola to serve on the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Citizenship Board. Representative Robert Hufft supported the bill, which passed with 13 in favor, one opposed, and one abstained vote.
Principal Chief Hill nominated Yahola. Her term will begin upon confirmation and expires on June 1, 2027.
TR 22-080 Authorizing the Principal Chief to submit a grant application to the administration for community living administration on aging Native American Elder Justice Initiative Grant Program for the Elder Services Department. Rep. Marshall sponsored the bill, which passed unanimously 15-0.
The bill will develop tribal codes that protect Native American seniors, identify tribally-produced elder abuse prevention resources, and add three new positions to manage the program and conduct outreach activities.
TR 22-081 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a memorandum of agreement with Creek County, Oklahoma, for improvements to the Bristow Airport Road. The bill was sponsored by Representative Nelson Harjo Sr., which passed unanimously 15-0.
The project’s estimated cost is $1,150,000.00 and will be funded with the Nation’s Tribal Transportation Program Federal Funding.
TR 22-082 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a memorandum of understanding between the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Alabama Quassarte Town, Kialegee Tribal Town, and Thlopthlocco Tribal Town for the method of allocation for the Nation’s proportional share of funding for housing and urban development funds and the FY-2023 Indian Housing Block Grant. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Harjo Sr., which was passed unanimously 15-0.
The understanding will proportionally share the Indian Housing Block Grant needs between the Tribal Towns and the MCN.
TR 22-083 Honoring the Legacy of Lanakay Harjochee, founder of Raising Native Hope, and proclaiming the Second Saturday of September “Raising Native Hope Day of Service.” Representative Sandra Golden sponsored the bill, which passed unanimously 15-0.
Ms. Harjochee is an MCN citizen and founded Raising Native Hope in 2017. Its mission is to end Native homelessness and bring awareness to Native homeless people living in Tulsa.
TR 22-084 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a temporary operating permit with Entertaining Angels to operate one temporary fireworks sales facility on tribal trust land. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Harjo Sr., which passed unanimously 15-0.
The permit will allow the Nation to lease the tribal trust land for a “consecutive period of four (4) days to a month”. The Nation will waive the surety bond and rental fee for Entertaining Angels to operate the Temporary Sales Facility. The trust land is located at 2971 N. Wood Drive, Okmulgee, Oklahoma.
TR 22-085 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a certain interlocal agreement with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Pawnee to hold criminal defendants at the Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office Detention Center in Pawnee County, City of Pawnee, Oklahoma. The bill was sponsored by Representative Mark Randolph., which passed unanimously 15-0.
MCN will pay for the housing of Native Criminal Defendants at $45.00 per day, not including the cost of specific medical care.
TR 22-086 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a real estate contract for the purchase of property in Creek County, Oklahoma. Representative Joseph Hicks sponsored the bill, which was also co-sponsored by Representative Patrick Freeman Jr. The bill passed unanimously 15-0.
The property will include 19.7 acres located in Bristow, Oklahoma. MCN intends to utilize the property for the Bristow Indian Community Center.
TR 22-087 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a purchase and sale agreement for property located in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. The bill was sponsored by Representative Joyce C. Deere, which passed unanimously 15-0.
The property is located in Okmulgee, Oklahoma, and will be used to benefit the MCN Tribal Government Operations.
NCA 22-050 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing a supplemental appropriation to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Secretary of the Nation and Commerce FY 2022 Budget. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Freeman Jr., which passed 9-6. Debate on the bill revolved around the creation of a new deputy secretary position within the Secretary of the Nation and Commerce Department.
The MCN Secretary of the Nation and Commerce will receive appropriations of $127,268.00 to supplement salary, fringe telephone/fax, communications, fees and sponsorship line items.
NCA 22-053 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of the American Rescue Plan Act Fiscal Recovery funding for the benefit of Children and Family Services. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Hufft, which passed unanimously 15-0.
Children and Family Services will receive an expenditure of $2,200,000.00. The expenditure will go toward the Foster Care and Kinship Home Recruitment and Retention Program.
NCA 22-054 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Authorizing the expenditure of funds awarded from the United States Department of Health and Human Services for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Health. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Hufft, which passed unanimously 15-0.
MCN Department of Health will receive an expenditure in the amount of $397,772.00 to be used to improve the physical and mental health status of people with behavioral health issues by developing an integrated and coordinated system of care.
NCA 22-055 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of the Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Family-to-Family Health Information Centers Grant Funds for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Community and Human Services. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Marshall, which passed unanimously 15-0.
The Grant awards MCN Community and Human Services in the amount of $93,175.00. MCN Community and Human Services will use the funds to create an MCN Family-to-Family Health Information Center.
NCA 22-056 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of grant funds awarded from the U.S. Department of the Interior for the benefit of the Agricultural and Natural Resources Division. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Harjo Sr. and passed unanimously 15-0.
The Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources was awarded funds in the amount of $199,597.00 from the Tribal Wildlife Grant. Funds will be used to restore and preserve the wild turkey (Meleagris Gallopavo) population on properties within the MCN Reservation.
NCA 22-057 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending NCA 22-011 (A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation appropriating funds to the Nation’s Facilities Department for equipment). The bill was sponsored by Representative Charles McHenry, which passed unanimously 15-0.
MCN Facilities Department will receive an appropriation of $264,357.00 to cover the costs of a compact loader and trailer and increased equipment and vehicle costs from the time that the funds were appropriated.
NCA 22-060 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation appropriating funds on behalf of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation District Trial Court to pay for GPS monitoring, continuous alcohol monitoring and breath-alcohol testing services offered by Recovery Monitoring Solutions Corporation. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Freeman Jr., which passed unanimously 15-0.
Appropriations will benefit the MCN District Trial Court in the amount of $100,000.00 from the Interest On Permanent Fund. The funds will be used to provide release from detention services to tribal members arrested and jailed to provide public safety and reduce incarceration costs.
NCA 22-061 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing a supplemental appropriation for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Tax Commission for Fiscal Year 2022. The bill was postponed from the May 10 Emergency Session. It was sponsored by Rep. Osborn, which passed 11-4. Debate on the bill revolved around the supplemental appropriation amount. Two plans for the bill were on the table. One would have expended appropriations in the amount of $445,956.00, the other in the amount of $137,576.00. The National Council approved the latter.
The supplemental appropriation will be used to open new office locations in Jenks, Okemah, and Coweta and hire additional staff.
NCA 22-062 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending NCA 20-060 (A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing an appropriation to match the Fiscal Year 2019 and 2020 Indian Community Development Block Grant to support the construction of the College of the Muscogee Nation Public Facility Exhibit/Lecture Hall). The bill was sponsored by Rep. Marshall, which passed unanimously 15-0.
CMN will benefit from the appropriations in the amount of $4,440,000.00.
NCA 22-063 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation appropriating funds to be used toward the purchase of real property located in Creek County, Oklahoma. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Hicks and co-sponsored by Rep. Freeman Jr. The bill passed unanimously 15-0.
The sum of $220,000 will be appropriated for the real property purchase. The property includes 19 acres of land located in Creek County, Oklahoma.
NCA 22-064 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation appropriating funds to be used toward the purchase of real property located in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma. The bill was sponsored by Joyce C. Deere, which was adopted substitute unanimously 15-0.
Federal funds of $1,400,000.00 will be appropriated to purchase the property.
The meeting, agenda, and full legislation can be viewed at www.mcnnc.com.