OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Business, Finance and Justice Committee meeting was held in person and teleconference on May 12 at the Mound Building.
All legislation will go before the full Council during the regular session May 21.
BFJ addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
NCA 22-050 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing a supplemental appropriation to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation secretary of the Nation and Commerce FY 2022 budget. Representative Patrick Freeman sponsored the bill, which passed as amended 4-0.
The bill will appropriate funds from the Interest on Permanent Fund Account in the amount of $127,268.00.
TR 22-077 Amending TR 19-076 (A Tribal Resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation to suspend all special appropriation and donations) as amended by TR 20-150 and TR 21-080. Rep. Freeman sponsored the bill, which was postponed indefinitely 4-0.
The amendment would have allowed donations to political campaigns funded from the FY 22 budget of the Secretary of the Nation and Commerce.
TR 22-085 Authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a certain interlocal agreement with the board of county commissioners of the county of Pawnee to hold criminal defendants at the Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office Detention Center in Pawnee County, City of Pawnee, Oklahoma. Representative Mark Randolph sponsored the bill, which passed 4-0.
The interlocal agreement will require the Muscogee (Creek) Nation to pay for the housing of each individual criminal defendant at the rate of $45 per day.
NCA 22-058 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Amending MCNCA Title 49 § 1-105 entitled “Editorial Board”. Representative Sandra Golden sponsored the bill, which failed to pass after a tied vote 3-2.
The bill would have amended the requirements for board members to serve on the Editorial Board.
NCA 22-059 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending MCNCA Title 37, Chapter 3. Subchapter 8 entitled “Drug-Free Workplace” and creating new subsection § 3-813 entitled “Medical Marijuana License Holder Protection and Non-Discrimination”. Rep. Randolph sponsored the bill, which was postponed for 30 days 4-0.
If passed, the law would allow the use of medical marijuana by MCN employees who hold a medical marijuana license by the Oklahoma State Department of Health without risk of corrective action. (Drivers employed with the Transit Department are excluded) MCN employees are still not permitted to use, possess, or be under the influence of medical marijuna during work hours.
NCA 22-060 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation appropriating funds on behalf of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation District Trial Court to pay for continuous alcohol monitoring and breath-alcohol testing services offered by Recovery Monitoring Solutions Corporation. Rep. Freeman sponsored the bill, which passed 4-0.
The law appropriates funds from the Interest on Permanent Fund Account in the amount of $100,000.00. The purpose of the law is to stem the number of tribal citizens who are jailed and cannot afford bond, and desires to contract for services to provide global positioning system monitoring, continuous alcohol monitoring, radio frequency monitoring, and Breath-Alcohol Testing.
For video of committee meetings visit: www.mcnnc.com.