OKMULGEE, Okla. – The Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council held a Business, Finance and Justice committee meeting on June 8.
The Council addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
NCR 23-001 A resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) National Council selecting Jeremy Larney to serve on the Muscogee Nation Businesses, LLC (MNB, LLC) Board of Directors. Speaker William Lowe sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the Regular Session.
The person that is selected must have a bachelor’s degree, with five years of business management experience or five years executive management experience. Additionally, eligible candidates can also hold an advanced degree plus years of business management experience equaling nine years, according to the bill.
NCR 23-002 A resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) National Council observing July 9, 2023 as MCN Sovereignty Day. Speaker Lowe sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the Regular Session.
According to the bill, for it to be resolved the Muscogee (Creek) National Council requests all MCN citizens to continue their recognition of Mvskoke sovereignty by encouraging communities and other organizations to sponsor July 9 or July 10, 2023 through Sovereignty Day recognition events. This includes perpetual support to the protection of the Mvskoke reservation and ancestral homelands and sovereignty of the Mvskoke people.
TR 23-065 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation respectfully urging the Oklahoma State Legislature to override the vetoes of Oklahoma House Bill 1005 and Senate Bill 26. Representative Mark Randolph sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the Regular Session.
Recently Governor Stitt vetoed both Oklahoma House Bill 1005 and Senate Bill 26. According to the bill, both of these are beneficial to the state, tribal nations and all Oklahomans.
NCA 23-036 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending MCNCA Title 14, subchapter 3, § 1-309 entitled “Extradition of Defendants Subject to other Jurisdiction. Representative Randall Hicks sponsored the legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the Regular Session.
The bill states that in order to allow the Nation to extradite a person in its custody back to a demanding jurisdiction, there is a need to amend the Nation’s criminal code to establish a protocol for extraditing a person from the Nation. Additionally, there is a need for a protocol when the Nation wishes to demand extradition of a person back to the Nation from a state, territory, or Indian tribe to face prosecution.
NCA 23-038 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation to amend article VI, section 2; and subsection (A) of the Constitution of the MCN by deleting both at-large voting and at-large representation, and replacing it with eligible registered district voting (resident and absentee) and district representation pertaining to the MCN National Council. Speaker Lowe sponsored the legislation, which was postponed 4-0. This bill will be presented at the next Business, Finance and Justice committee meeting.
Proponents of the bill claim that citizens are wanting to switch back to district voting for National Council representatives rather than at-large voting. There are claims that at-large citizens who vote in tribal elections are not familiar with the other candidates outside their locale or district.
NCA 23-060 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of the U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund assistance agreement grant for the benefit of the Mvskoke Loan Fund. Rep. Randolph sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next Regular Session.
The Mvskoke Loan Fund was awarded the U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Assistance Agreement Grant, which consisted of $746,000.
NCA 23-061 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of grant funds awarded from the U.S. Department of Interior Division of Economic Development for the benefit of the office of Marketing and Tourism. Rep. Randall Hicks sponsored the legislation, which was postponed indefinitely 4-0.
The Office of Marketing and Tourism was awarded the Tribal Tourism Grant, which consisted of $149,423. This grant will be able to evaluate the project/market opportunities for tourism opportunities.
NCA 23-062 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation amending MCNCA title 37, chapter 3, entitled “Employees”, to amend the minimum hourly wage for employees of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Representative Thomasene Yahola-Osborn sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next Regular Session.
According to the bill, the minimum wage has not been addressed in over thirteen years. The minimum wage is currently set at $10.15, the Nation is wanting to increase the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour over the next fiscal year.
For more information visit, www.mcnnc.com.