OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Emergency Session was held via teleconference March 8.
The Council addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 23-026 A MCN tribal resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a sale agreement with Mobile Modular and the placement of a modular building on tribal property for the MCN District Court to use. Speaker William Lowe sponsored the resolution, which was adopted 15-0.
The increased docket of the MCN District Court created a need for additional courtroom space for the District Court. The courtroom demands can be temporarily resolved by the placement of a modular courtroom to be located between the MCN Mound and the MCN Controller’s Office at the MCN Tribal Headquarters in Okmulgee, Okla. Mobile Modular has been identified as a vendor that can provide the modular building.
NCA 23-017 A MCN law authorizing the expenditure of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fiscal year recovery funds to purchase a modular building to be utilized by the MCN District Court. Speaker Lowe sponsored the act, which was adopted 15-0.
As a result of COVID-19, an exponential increase in caseloads, interpersonal violence, gun violence and other criminal acts leads the Nation to invest in additional, temporary court space to respond to the operational needs of the MCN criminal justice system. This includes two modular buildings to increase ventilation, capacity and social distancing, while permanent, expanded facilities are constructed utilizing other funding mechanisms.
The courtroom demands can be temporarily resolved by the placement of a modular courtroom to be located between the MCN Mound and the MCN Controller’s Office at the MCN Tribal Headquarters in Okmulgee, Okla.
The purpose of this law is to appropriate $655,287.00 to cover the costs to purchase, install and furnish a new modular building for the use of the MCN District Court.
NCA 23-020 A MCN law authorizing a special appropriation for the cost of necessary measures related to the protection of the Muscogee sacred site of Hickory Ground near Wetumpka, Alabama. Representative Darrell Proctor sponsored the act, which was adopted 15-0.
The historic and “prehistoric” Muscogee cultural site of Ocevpofv (Hickory Ground), located in present-day Alabama, has been, continues to be and shall always and forever be a site of significance to the history and culture of the Muscogee people.
The site of Ocevpofv is currently under ownership of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians. Contrary to assurances by the Poarch Band that the site would be preserved, the Poarch Band disturbed and desecrated the sacred site by excavating the remains of ancestors of the Muscogee people of Ocevpofv as well as associated funerary objects that were buried with them, in order to develop a casino gaming facility.
An appropriation of $450,000 is needed to continue funding for legal defense and public relations services to further efforts to protect the sacred site, as well as provide funding for legal services in regard to the current site of their Ceremonial Ground.
The funding source was identified as Interest on Permanent Fund.
View the meeting at www.mcnnc.com.