Liz Gray/Managing Editor
I believe in giving credit where credit is due. First and foremost, I want to thank the Mvskoke voters, the citizens whose devotion to self-determination inspired them to exercise their right and build a foundation within their tribal nation.
This newly passed constitutional amendment is the first and only in Indian Country and sets forth our path in the Muscogee Nation’s sovereignty in its Modern Era.
The ballot question received the most votes in the election with 2,510 votes cast. It also had the highest percentage than any Seat B candidate race in the primary election. As an editor, this speaks volumes about the citizens’ need for information. This push to provide what is considered a service to citizens will be a continuing effort for the Mvskoke Media news team.
I discovered a new Mvskoke word the other day, vpueckv – a dream. This moment in our tribe’s history has felt like a dream come true for the ones past and present with the vision for this department.
I want to thank the ones before me, this amendment would not have been possible had we not been present in the community. It started with someone who had simply wanted to make a newspaper to remember all that had been accomplished by citizens. Without the birth announcements, the obits, the congratulatory space in newsprint to celebrate the growth and accomplishments, this newspaper would not have been able to grow into what it is today.
Mvto to the people who committed to upholding standards, bringing a level of news they had not seen before and continuing to grind it out during times of uncertainty in the newsroom. People have come and gone, but they have all left an impact in this journey.
A noticeable change was made to the design of “The Mvskoke News.” The top of our paper now proudly states “The first constitutionally amended free press in Indian Country,” along with “Powered by the Mvskokvlke.”
These two statements are powerful. Even though we are the only tribally-owned media outlet with a constitutional amendment that guarantees press protections, the decision was made to leave out “only.” The status of free press in Indian Country is something to be addressed. My hope is that we can inspire and support other tribal nations to move forward into a time in Native Journalism where the tribal press is supported by its people to demand transparency and truthfulness from their tribal government.
The phrase “Powered by the Mvskokvlke,” drives home how empowered this department is by the people who make up our tribal nation. We are an information service to the Mvskoke people. Now more than ever, I am devoted to bringing the level of news to a place that sets the standard in Indian Country.
The newspaper itself has a bit of an updated look. The masthead has been redesigned incorporating more of a design driven look. Shoutout to the amazing talent in Mvskoke Creative, it is displayed in the artwork produced by this department.
Mvskoke Media has big plans for the future and I cannot wait to share them. Mvto!