OKMULGEE, Okla.- On Aug. 8, the MCN National Council held the Land, Natural Resources, and Cultural Preservation committee meeting. All passed legislation will proceed to be voted on by the full council at the next regular session.
The council approved $319.46 from the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Emergency Assistance Grant for Nuyaka Indian Baptist Church. The sum will go towards finishing a ramp. Representative Joseph Hicks made a motion to approve, it was seconded by Representative Charles McHenry, and it passed 4-0.
The committee addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 23-075 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Housing contract with BVP LLC Contractors passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep. Joseph Hicks.
This resolution will allow for the construction of one home in the amount of $258,185 and will be paid from the NAHASDA Homeownership funds.
TR 23-076 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a memorandum of agreement between the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and the Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative at the University of Arkansas School of Law passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep. Joseph Hicks.
The agreement will explore the feasibility of hemp operations, determine what opportunities exist for hemp production with the Nation, and suggest codes and policies for the implementation of future hemp production.
TR 23-077 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a right-of-way agreement with Oklahoma Natural Gas, a division of ONEGAS associated with the construction of housing units known as Akhvse Tutcenen (Three Ponds) housing addition on behalf of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep. Joseph Hicks.
This agreement gives Oklahoma Natural Gas right-of-way access to Three Ponds in exchange for gas service and pipeline maintenance.
TR 23-078 A tribal resolution of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a real estate contract for the purchase of property in Okmulgee, Oklahoma passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Representative Nelson Harjo Sr.
The property in question is 6.76 acres of land located on Highway 75. The property will be the new location for the Okmulgee Tax Commision Office.
NCA 23-074 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure of the National Park Service Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) Grant for the benefit of the Historic and Cultural Preservation Department Sponsor passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Representative Galen Cloud, the grant sum is $101,449.
The NPS THPO Grant was awarded to the department and “funds are to be used to ensure the protection of valued Msvkoko cultural and historic resources, including sacred places, cultural sites, cultural remains, and Mvskoke history for future generations.” MCNC authorization is required to utilize the grant.
NCA 23-075 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing an appropriation of $50,000 to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Tribal Construction Services in order to create the Ramp Assistance Program was postponed for one month with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep. McHenry and co-sponsored by Representative Robert Hufft.
This legislation would benefit tribal citizens needing assistance installing residential wheelchair ramps.
NCA 23-076 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing a special appropriation in the sum of $450,000 for the cost of necessary measures related to the protection of the Muscogee Sacred Site Hickory Ground near Wetumpka, Alabama passed with a vote of 4-0 and moves to the BF&J committee. It was sponsored by Representative Darrell Proctor and co-sponsored by Rep. Cloud.
This law funds the continuation of legal defense and services, and public relations services regarding the protection of the Muscogee cultural site of Ocevpofv (Hickory Ground) in present-day Alabama.
NCA 23-077 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation appropriating funds in the sum of $570,000 to be used toward the purchase of property located in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma passed by a vote of 4-0 and moves to the BF&J committee. It was sponsored by Rep. Harjo Sr.
This law appropriates funds for the purchase of unspecified property in Okmulgee County.
NCA 23-079 A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditure in the sum of $104,870.00 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds received from the United States Department of the Treasury for the benefit of the Okmulgee County Fairgrounds passed with a vote of 4-0. It was sponsored by Rep. Joseph Hicks.
MCN received a total of $424,351,069.50 in ARPA funds to assist in “the myriad issues regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, to support economic stabilization, and to provide for long term resilient and recovery of the Nation and its communities.” To view the full meeting, visit mcnnc.com.
Wait…they approved the expenditure of funds to build one person a home at $258,185?!? Then they bought more land, but placed a hold on building ramps for those most in need? Are you kidding me? They sure expect citizens not to pay attention, don’t they? If we don’t wake up, they will continue to get away with these things!! It’s time to throw them out and elect true leaders who will act on behalf of our citizens!