TVLSE, Oklv. – It is officially back to school season in Oklahoma, as schools all across the reservation prepare to welcome children back. In order to help families who are in the process of getting their children back to classrooms, one Tulsa business set up a Back to School Bash on Aug. 10 to celebrate. Southwest Trading Company, located just off 11th Street on Peoria Avenue, is an Indigenous business that provided free school supplies to any child who needed them. The business, run by David Bible and his family, has a long history of traveling to different locations and either helping those in need, or selling their wares across various Indigenous events. The store essentially functions as a local Indigenous community center, this event was no different in providing services. The school supplies included spiral notebooks, number two pencils, mechanical pencils, crayons, glue sticks, and plastic rules. The business also included both free pizza from Little Caesars, and free snacks, including fruits like oranges and bananas, cupcakes, animal crackers, cookies, and bottles of water for all in attendance. Finally, there was even an artist who provided free face painting and glitter tattoos.
David Bible, the owner of Southwest Trading Company, which is both Muscogee and Hopi run, was proud of what his company has been doing for the community, and was very happy with the turnout. “This is the second year we’ve done the Back to School event to give away school supplies, food, and stuff like that… These are most of our regular customers who come in, and we just want to give back to them. Things like school supplies, backpacks, and notebooks, and something to eat. And a lot of these people haven’t seen each other in a while, so this is kind of a meeting place for people to come in and meet.”
Any back packs left over ? I need 2 …