OKMULKE, Oklv. – The Muscogee (Creek) National Land, Natural Resources and Cultural Preservation Committee held a meeting in the Mound Building on July 16.
The committee addressed the following legislation, the interpretation of which is attributed to language in the bills:
TR 24-083 A tribal resolution of the MCN authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a separate Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with five Oklahoma schools for the maintenance of parking lots and associated right-of-way constructed or improved by the MCN Tribal Transportation Program. Representative Darrell Proctor sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted, these funds will help improve school parking lots and right-of-ways. A separate MOU will be entered for Dewar, Morris, Wainwright, Hanna and Oktaha Schools.
TR 24-084 A tribal resolution of the MCN authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a MOU with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for the maintenance of roadways and associated right-of-way constructed or improved within Wagoner, Okfuskee and Okmulgee counties in Oklahoma, by the MCN tribal transportation. Representative Mark Randolph sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted, the MCN Tribal Transportation Program will make improvements to different sections of roadways that are controlled by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Roadway sections in Wagoner, Okfuskee and Okmulgee counties will be included.
TR 24-085 A tribal resolution of the MCN supporting the addition of new routes, as identified in attachment “A”- MCN NTFI 2025, to the Nation’s existing National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory and requesting the Bureau of Indian Affairs add these new routes to the Nation’s National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory. Rep. Randolph sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted, new routes within the reservation will be eligible for inclusion in the Nation’s National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory.
TR 24-086 A tribal resolution of the MCN approving the update of the MCN Long Range Transportation plan with the addition of the routes listed as attachments “A”-MCN NTIFI 2025. Rep. Randolph sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council.
If the legislation is adopted these new routes will be funded to assist with the cost of future road designs, environmental, construction, maintenance and planning.
TR 24-087 A tribal resolution of the MCN authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a separate MOU with nine Oklahoma counties for the maintenance of roadways and associated rights-of-way constructed or improved by the MCN Tribal Transportation Program. Representative Galen Cloud sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted the MOU with each of the nine counties will detail the Tribal Transportation Program Routes in each respective county. This will include public roadways, and associated right-of ways.
TR 24-088 A tribal resolution of the MCN authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a separate MOU with ten Oklahoma cities for the maintenance of roadways and associated rights-of-way constructed or improved by the MCN Tribal Transportation Program. Rep. Cloud sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted each proposed city included in the MCN Tribal Transportation program inventory will enter into separate MOUs. Proposed cities in the inventory include Inola, Bristow, Clearview, Okmulgee, Dewar, Grayson, Winchester, Morris, Muskogee and Eufaula.
TR 24-089 A tribal resolution of the MCN authorizing the Principal Chief to apply for federal funding through the Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Transportation Bridge Program to fund twenty-one (21) replacement bridges within the MCN. Representative Robyn Whitecloud sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted the 21 aforementioned bridges that are deemed deficient and hazardous will receive repairs.
TR 24-090 A tribal resolution of the MCN authorizing the Principal Chief to execute a real estate contract for the purchase of property in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. Rep. Whitecloud sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted the land will be utilized to expand land use for the Nation.
TR 24-091 A tribal resolution of the MCN confirming the nomination of Trenton Kissee to serve as the Secretary of Interior Affairs of the MCN. Rep. Cloud sponsored this legislation with co-sponsor Darrell Proctor. It passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted Trenton Kisseee will serve as the MCN Secretary of Interior Affairs beginning upon confirmation and ending with the term of the current Principal Chief.
TR 24-093 A tribal resolution approving the MCN assumption of transportation functions under the “Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act of 2021” (STRA-21), also colloquially known as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law” and approving the issuance of a notice of intent to the Federal Highway Administration and Bureau of Indian Affairs. Rep. Cloud sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted the agreements and contracts detailed for the Tribal Transportation Program will help further the long-term interests of the tribe, including transportation duties and needs.
NCA 24-079 A law of the MCN authorizing the expenditure of the Oklahoma Association of Conservation District’s Cooperative Agreement Grant Reimbursement Award for the benefit of the MCN Conservation District. Rep. Randolph sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted $37,500 in funds will go toward climate-smart commodities. This will provide voluntary incentives to producers, landowners and early adopters. It will include benefits for these different practices such as measure/quantify, monitor, and verify the carbon and greenhouse gas (GHS).
NCA 24-080 A law of the MCN authorizing the expenditure of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fiscal Relief Funding and MCN Department of Housing Program Income funds to be used toward the purchases of property located in Okmulgee county. Rep. Whitecloud sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted funds will go toward a purchase sale agreement for property located in Okmulgee and will cover the sale amount, title insurance, title opinions and applicable taxes.
NCA 24-081 A law of the MCN authorizing a budget modification in excess of ten percent (10%) for the MCN Realty/Trust Department for FY 2024 budget. Rep. Cloud sponsored this legislation, which passed 4-0. This will be presented to the full council at the next regular session.
If the legislation is adopted the budget modification will reallocate certain funds for expenses for supplies, contractual fees, training and travel line items.
For more information visit, www.mcnnc.com.